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Keto Kravings


This website is the reflections of a reformed carb-o-holic who needed to make changes to her lifestyle and health, fast!  With my wellness failing, and the threat of major surgery in my immediate future, I was willing to do whatever it took to become a heathy and thriving example to my family, and for myself.

Through an incredible amount of research, and a trial and error period, this path led to Keto.  Amazing things can come out of a Keto way of life, though Keto is not a one size fits all journey.  It takes some time, patience and a lot of sacrifice to ensure that your journey is as healthy as possible for you!  Mine has been a bit of a roller coaster, but Keto (with the addition of Intermittent Fasting) has changed my own health and wellness for the betterment of my entire life.  This is not a fad for me, this is a healing path that has improved my life.  Mine is a journey towards feeling amazing and healing from the inside out while still eating great food! 

Why Yummy Mummy?  Well, the fact is that I LOVE food and am very passionate about cooking and creating meals that are satisfying and delicious for my family.  I intend on incorporating some of the keto cuisine into our family lifestyle and this means that is HAS to be yummy! My meals also have to follow the same rule if I am eating keto and my family is not, otherwise this Mummy will get very cranky, very fast!  And so Yummy Mummy Keto Kravings was born!

Join me on my journey, buckle up it is going to be a fantastic journey of health and happiness!, I have created some incredible recipes, logging my every step along this journey and am so happy to be sharing this with all of you! I hope you enjoy!

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