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  • yummy mummy

Happy Ketoer!!! Keto Day 16

Wow, 16 days in and it feels like I have always been eating this way, at least I feel it in my body! My bowels have regulated, no pain, no joint discomfort, no extreme cravings and hunger..just a happier, healthier me! I feel pretty great and have stuck with it each and every day! As carboholic, I can say that I did not think that I could do this..Paleo and my first keto try we very hard for me, but again keto is not the only change that I am making within myelf. Thoughts of not being healthy and vibrant with and for my family finally hit home with me in a huge way and keto has been a saving grace for me. I guess you could say that I was more prepped for this transition and rebirth in myself and I am so happy that I made a decision to do something positive for myself!

On a side note, the website, instagram and FB are all excelling, which also gives me fuel for my journey!

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