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  • yummy mummy

Yay Keto! Day 1

Well, I have made the commitment! For me, this journey was spurned solely out of necessity. I am a carb lover, but unfortuantely my body is not and for a woman in my 40's I feel awful! My digestive system is so far from normal that it is scary and I have all kinds of nastiness going on related to my liver, kidney and gallbladder, the latter being the bain of my current existence. And so, major change is need because you can't keep doing the same things and expecting a different result!

This is not the only part of my journey, keto is just a piece of the puzzle to a healthier, happier me. Meditation, mindfulness, journalling, extending my boundaries and negative patterns, shifting is going to be am amazing transformation, and as one of my faves, Bob Proctor, says, in a matter of months I will look back and won;t even recognize myself..phycically, emotionally and in my health!

So, day as gone really smoothly though I do recognize that I will need more of a keto aresenal for cooking, though I have picked up some staple items. I did Paleo way back when and a brief stint with trying keto, without pre or research might I add. This tim I have given it my all, dne research, and fully commited!

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