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Getting Into the Groove- Keto Day 18

Things have been fairly solid for the last few days. I fell as though I am more energized and don't find myself having my normal 6-7PM crash as I used to like clockwork. I feel good druing the day and have been motivated to do things. Stree has played a bit of a factor in my sleeping so I feel a bit quiet and have been doing quite a lot of inner reflection.

I have been experimenting in the kitchen, a lot and this has also helped me to stick with it and be ok when I cook and watch my famiy eat carbs. In fact, I have noticed that breads and pasta smell different to me, almost chemical like even though I do buy the best, organic, whole products as I can. I find this oddly comforting but it has also lead me to introduce more keto cuisine to my family.

I am craving quite intensely the last few days but oddly water and salads. I feel great and so light when I eat this way, but do recognize that I need to be mindful that I am getting enough protein and fats in my daily intake. I am often surprised at how few calories I eat in the day, especially with intermittent fasting as I feel like I am eating quite a lot (but it is very condensed as well). The fasting is most definitely great for my body and I do not find myself hungry very often.

So, all in all I think I am on an upward swing and I am very excited about that!!

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