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  • yummy mummy

Say NO to Keto

Updated: Feb 15, 2019

Got you stumped on that one, huh?

I see a lot of misinformation out there as to the negative aspects of Keto. I ride somewhere in the middle of both sides of the spectrum. I personally feel that Keto is going to help me with a plethora of health issues and I have done a great deal of research as to what keto means...for me! On the other hand I somewhat agree with the nay sayers for a multitude of reasons. With the label of diet being slapped on this lifestyle choice, and instant bias is made (add in celebrity trend and keto has no chance with many). I do not like labels because I don't personally believe that things are black and white.

Education is also vital in everything that we do and some people will not educate themselves as to why things are one way with themselves but can be drastically different with others (it's in the nature of our ego, sometimes stronger in some, more than others). What is good, amazing and right (or not) for you, might not be for others. It is not about you agreeing or disagreeing, it is about seeing another point of view, or for fellow Bob Proctor enthusiasts, seeing the other side of the book!

Now, I do understand that keto. or really any other "diet", is an entire animal all on its own. I have over simplified as a drastic shift in eating can be very dangerous and this is also concerning to a vast majority. Many diet fads are very dangerous, if you haven't done your research, comprimise you health in any way, do not listen to your body, not take direction and advise from professionals or take it too the extreme. This is the case with every decision that we make! What I am getting at again is that Keto is right for many people, and you will see in future posts how much keto has done for my health in a very short "period" of time and what it will continue to do with health issues that I have been struggling with for many years.

I believe in spreading positivity, so my take on most things is in the spirit of just that. I absorb information like a freaky little sponge, and love to learn which is why I am confident in my desire to become a trendsetter...just kidding, I just want to feel good and honor my body. I most certainly do not propose to know all there is to know about keto but I am navigating the waters with trust in my research and preparation and am excited to take, as well as share, my own little journey :)

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