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Twisted Caprese Stuffed Calzones

Updated: Feb 3, 2019

Keto Calzones
Imagine Food Photography - Kim Cottrell

Mushroom Mixture:

In a pan on stovetop, heat:

1 tsp butter

Heat at med temperature until melted.


1/4 cup chopped mushrooms

1 tbsp onion

1 tsp chopped, fresh garlic

Fry until golden brown and all moisture has been cooked down, stir often as not to burn.


In an oven safe bowl, add:

1 1/2 c Mozzarella cheese, shredded

2 tbsp cream cheese

Heat until cream cheese is soft and cheese partially melted (be careful no to burn!). Remove from the oven and transfer to a larger bowl.


1 egg, slightly beaten

Stir into cheese until mostly mixed together.


3/4 cup almond flour

1/2 tsp baking powder

sea salt, to taste

Stir until combined, do not over mix. Place in refrigerator for 15 mins.

When dough has cooled:

Coat hands with olive oil and roll dough in hands to create a firm ball, do so for a few mintues to stiffen up the dough. Immediately place on greased baking sheet. Wet fingers, press the dough outward in a circulafr motion, until you have a round crust that is about 1/4 inch thick. Use the palm of your hand to push the edges towards the center, this will even the edges out.

Top with:

1/4 cup pizza or spaghetti sauce (see recipe)

Mushroon mixture

16 olives, chopped

1 tbsp pickled banana peppers, chopped

1 tbsp of bacon bits

Fresh basil leaves

1/2 cup Mozzarella

Spread sauce evenly and top of the crust. Spraead all of the reamining toppings on the sauce and then top evenly with the Mozzarella.

With a wet spatula, lift the edges of one side of the crust, carfully put spatula between the dough and pan and shimmy in a side to side and back and forth motion to loosen from the pan. Fold the top over by 1 1/2", pressing the cracks with wet fingers if needed. Turn the pan and do the same with the other side, except folding it in half. With wet fingers, press out any cracks and slightly press the dough all the way around the top to fuse with the first fold. Take the wet spatula to the corners and fold the corners up over any exposed topping or sauce and press down to seal. Coat the top with olive oil and sprinkle with garlic and sea salt to taste.

Bake for 30 mins. Remove from oven and let rest for 15 mins.

Serve & Devour!

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